Daniel Jones

As soon as he was old enough to swing a hammer, Daniel Jones began to learn woodworking from his father. And the idea of craftsmanship was instilled in him from an early age.

There was a time not so long ago when furniture and related items were built to last for generations. Memories and stories were created around the cutting board Grandma would used when teaching her grandchild to cook. The dining table that hosted family gatherings, or even the hall tree expecting parents grabbed their coats from on the way to the hospital, would all become family heirlooms full of stories.

Today, our society has grown accustomed to just throwing things away without thought or consideration of their quality or story. Raven’s Branch Woodworking strives to change that narrative. By using up-cycled, repurposed, and reclaimed materials as often as possible, our goal is to steward and showcase the time-honored tradition of craftsmanship in everyday life. We’re committed to bringing fine woodworking back to the marketplace one hand-crafted piece at a time.

Owner, Daniel Jones

Custom Woodworking, Shelby, NC

Looking for a custom piece? Contact us to request a quote.